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EIAgen Detect 4 HIV Total Screening kit

EIAgen Detect 4 HIV Total Screening kit

Product: EIAgen Detect 4 HIV Total Screening kit (081311-081312-081313)
Subject: Improvement

Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for choosing Adaltis S.r.l.

Please note that this bulletin contains important information for your marketing, sales and regulatory affairs departments.

We would like to inform you that the EIAgen Detect 4 HIV Total Screening kit has been improved and the new version of kit will be
released indicatively in 6 months.

 Revised Instruction for Use

The Instruction for use have been revised and have been added more information about " Sample and Reagents addition monitoring",
in order to provide the complete procedure of the sample monitoring. In particular have been added the color change for each step
of the procedure.

All the changes above mentioned improve the usage of the product by the technician.
The performance and the procedure of the kit remains unchanged.

This new version of kit will replace the current one indicatively in 6 months and we will provide you detailed information about timing
and availability in the next months.

Adaltis is at your disposal and give you the support if you need to amend your current registration license.
For any further information, please contact our Customer Care Center at the Phone Number +39 051 437779, or via email at

Best Regards
Marco Spadaccioli
General Manager