

Sample Validation

Molecular Diagnostic Test Product Information & Purchase Order

Line Method & Sample Product Package Info
MOLgen Clinical Specimens MOLgen Sample Validation S1 Kit Tests per Package: 96
Sample Validation “Molgen Sample Validation S1 Kit” is an assay kit for the quantitative valuation of human DNA in clinical samples by real-time PCR Code: ME188880 Package Format: STR
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“Molgen Sample Validation S1 Kit” is an assay kit for the quantitative valuation of human DNA in clinical samples by real-time PCR.

“Molgen Sample Validation S1 Kit” is designed for the quantitative valuation of human DNA in clinical samples (epithelial scrapings) for the purpose of validation of the quality of sample collection and increasing the reliability of the infectious agents’ DNA identification results by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method with fluorescent detection of amplified product.

“Molgen Sample Validation S1 Kit” contains reagents requiredfor 96 tests, including control samples.

“Molgen Sample Validation S1 Kit” is recommended for use with PCR kits of MOLgen series for DNA detection.

The kit is validated for use with iQ5 iCycler, CFX96 (Bio-Rad, USA) and DT-96 (DNA-Technology, Russia).

Sample collection quality validation method is based on a quantitative valuation of the content of human hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS) gene DNA region in the PCR sample, prepared from epithelial scraping using DNA extraction kits of “MOLgen” series. The quantity of human DNA detectable in PCR sample is proportional to the quantity of epithelial cells in the scraping sample. Negative result in the detection of infectious agent’s DNA in scrapings is considered reliable when PCR sample contains at least 250 copies (genome equivalents) of HMBS gene DNA, which indicates a qualitative sampling of clinical material for research.



Universal Positive Control Sample (PC)

(based on plasmid DNA with integrated fragments of

pathogens DNA)

1 vial, 1.0 mL

Ready Master Mix (RMM)


96 tubes (tests)

PCR optical-quality film

(or hinged caps)

1.5 sheet

(12 strips of 8 caps)

Number of tests




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